Title: "The Path to Brand Discovery at INPI"

If you're planning on establishing a business in Brazil, understanding how to conduct a brand search at INPI is crucial.

INPI, or the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property, is the governing body for trademark registration in Brazil.

A thorough understanding of INPI's databases, platform, and legislation enables a successful brand search.

Failure in conducting a thorough brand search could result in trademark conflicts and legal disputes in the future.

Therefore, you must verify whether the brand name you want to register is not already in use before taking your application to INPI.

Fortunately, INPI's online database simplifies the process of conducting these searches.

To carry out this process, just enter your desired brand name into INPI's search engine and filter the results to spot any existing conflicts.

However, a positive result doesn't grant automatic rights to the brand. You have to ensure that none of the existing brands offer similar goods or services as yours.

If there exists a similar brand, consider revising your course or adopting a different brand name.

Overall, the search for a brand at the INPI should be seen as a vital step get more info in the establishment of any new business in Brazil.

Grasping this process could well be the difference between incurring future legal issues and establishing a successful brand in the Brazilian market.

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